Our Latest Work
FriendsComputerIndia.com is a online website & portal contain user & admin login panel & creative features.
KanikaNidhi.com ia a online website, deals in Invest various schemes contain more attactive features & function.
Its a online site & web portal contan admin panel & updated all info by admin including all best features for guest.
Screwcompressorsspare.com is a web project. Deals in SCREW SPARES in india & outside.Most attractive design theme.
DigitalMZN.com is online Web Portal for Muzaffarnagar City that contains all info about city & all dealers info works in all industries.
e-Jobs.in is a online web portal comming soon for the job seekers & job recruiters their needs & includes other more features.

School Fee Mangement SOftware

Dr. Clinic O.P.D.& Billing Software

Examination software

Issue Birth & Death Certificate (Government Software )

Government Taxation(WaterTax & House Tax) Software